Drama Ministry

Drama Ministry

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  • Born is a King!
  • The Innkeeper's Daughter (with suggested carols)
  • A Christmas of Poetry
  • An Advent Service of Candles & Carols
  • Youthful Passions
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    Game Day

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    At first, it appears from their enthusiasm that June, Ben, Jerry and Betty are at a sporting event - they are that passionate about whatever it is they are attending. It isn't until the end that we discover they are actually at a worship service. This sketch is about worship attitudes, not behavior.

    Friends Like These

    • Script Topics

    Four women settle in for an evening of videos and girl talk at their personal annual retreat. They think back over the 30+ years of friendship they share and the struggles they have seen each other undergo.

    Five More Minutes

    • Script Topics

    To show the downfalls of not having your priorities set straight.

    Fit Tab B Into Slot A

    • Script Topics

    It's Christmas and Dad is having trouble putting together Susie Sunshine's myriad of accessories and turns it into a teaching moment for his son, explaining how many people have trouble fitting the pieces together about the Christmas story and the Gospel.

    Finding Peace

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    The parents of two unruly kids visit the neighbors who they believe are responsible for this change. They are introduced to the Prince of Peace, Jesus.

    Farewell to Judas

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      Bible Story, Good Friday
    Before the last supper, Jesus shares a final, private conversation with Judas.

    Faith That Works

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      Christian Living, Faith
    Phil tries to convince a friend that faith without works isn't really faith at all.

    Express Delivery

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      Prayer, Spirituality
    A new recruit to the prayer request delivery service learns that many people fail to receive God's gifts for lack of prayer.

    Every Boy's Dream

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      Pride, Priorities
    Three friends sit in a Starbucks, trying to "one up" each other by bragging about how important their jobs are for the betterment of the world. However, when they find out the man next to them is a fireman, they begin to get some perspective on how to help others before themselves.
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    In Partnership With: Discover Worship


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