Drama Ministry

Director's Chair


Teen Tsunami

A youth pastor from Oregon called my church to ask, "We're ready to start using drama with our youth group, can you help us?" Read Post →

What Your Kids Get From Drama Ministry

It's pretty much a given these days that drama works as an effective ministry. Read Post →

Pick Up The Pace

Helping beginning actors to understand - and make use of - timing is one of the most practical ways to improve their performances. Read Post →

Time For A Creative Boost!

Summer is the perfect time to prepare for the busy Fall/Winter season by recharging your group's creativity. Read Post →

Ask: "What If?'

What are you going to do? You're at the bottom of your stack of drama preview publications and have yet to find even one sketch that matches next month's sermon theme. Read Post →

Handling Difficult People

It's 30 minutes before service time and you're still waiting for John, who has the major role. It's too late to do mike checks and you're starting to wonder if he's even going to show. Read Post →

Reflections on Parenting from A Mom In the Trenches

When I was reading over scripts for Mother’s Day, it was as though life slammed me in the face. Read Post →

OH NO! It's show time...where's Jesus?

It was finally here. Opening day! The biggest Easter play the church had ever produced. Read Post →

Suffer The Little Children: Helping Kids Understand Easter

As a mother of two young children, I often find myself using my theater background at home. Read Post →

Your Easter Event: Intimacy vs. Pageantry

How do you react to a sermon when you're touched by what's being said? Do you give little grunts of appreciation, maybe even a vocal "amen" when the Spirit really moves you? Read Post →
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In Partnership With: Discover Worship


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