Christmas Scripts Inspired by Angels & Stars
Welcome to part three of our four-part series of Christmas scripts and devotionals! This time we'll explore the significance of angels and stars in the Christmas story. We look forward to decorating for Christmas every year and many of us top our trees with angels or stars. In our home, the first ornament we place on the tree is a simple star, stamped out of tin. It dates back to the 1940’s, in the time of World War II. It was a childhood ornament of my mother’s and it's really precious to me.
These ornaments and decorations are part of our family's tradition; they warm our hearts, they brighten our home, and they represent something special from the Christmas story. These beautiful heirlooms remind us of the angels and of the star that appeared on the first Christmas 2,000 years ago. In this feature, we’ll look deeper into the signs and messengers that God used to announce the birth of His Son.
The Bible gives several accounts of angels in the story of Jesus' birth. On one occasion, an angel appears to Mary with life-changing news and tells her that she is about to conceive the Son of God. An angel appeared to Jospeh in a dream that changed everything for him as well. The angel told him that Mary's baby was indeed the Son of God and that Joseph was to take Mary as his wife and name her baby, Jesus.
An angel appeared to the shepherds to announce the birth of Christ, and told them to not be afraid, "For I bring you good news of great joy, which will be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord." That angel was then joined by a multitude of angels praising God and saying, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, and good will toward men.”
The Bible speaks of a star that guided the wise men to the newborn King. The wise men from the east came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who was born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east and have come to worship Him." They were then instructed by King Herod to find the Child and report back with His whereabouts so that he could worship Him too. But Herod secretly had evil intentions. When the wise men departed, that same star guided them into Bethlehem. It went ahead of them and stopped over the place where Jesus was, and they worshipped Him. They were later warned in a dream not to report back to Herod, so they returned to their homeland by a different route.
God used angels, a star, and even dreams to speak to Mary and Jospeh, and to the shepherds and wise men. They listened with open hearts and willingly followed. Mary risked humiliation and even death by being pregnant before she was married. Joseph considered leaving, but he stayed. The shepherds left their sheep in the night to find the baby Jesus. The wise men defied a king's orders. They all trusted and followed what the Lord had revealed to them. What is God saying to us this Christmas season? Are we listening? May we open our hearts to hear His voice. May we listen and obey.
You can find more devotionals and scripts from our Christmas series in the links below:
- Christmas Scripts Inspired by Mary
- Christmas Scripts Inspired by the Shepherds & Wise Men
- Christmas Scripts Inspired by Angels & Stars
- Christmas Scripts Inspired by the Infant & Manger
The following scripts remind us of the angels and of the star that God used in special ways at the birth of Christ. We hope you’ll consider these dramas as you plan and prepare for the Christmas season.
Chasing Starlight
A wise man from the East tells of the discovery of a new star, and the excitement and fear that followed.
Behold! I Bring You... Guess
An angel visits two shepherds on the night of Christ's birth and plays guessing games as to why he's come.
Mary, Joseph and the Angels
Christmas story is recounted by a narrator and a mildly overenthusiastic angel.
Toy Wars
A single mom and a rabid Star Wars fan face off over an action figure at Christmas time.
Good Will to Ornaments
Five Christmas tree ornaments discover the beauty of God's salvation plan, which includes people of all shapes and sizes.