Drama Ministry

Happy New Year's Drama!

Join us as we ring in the New Year with some festive and heartwarming short scripts that are perfect for New Year's Eve and beyond! Come and celebrate new beginnings, reflect on the past, and embrace the possibilities of the future with these New Year's themed scripts!

These easy-to-learn and perform selections include dramas, comedies, monologues, and reader's theatre scripts that are perfect for ringing in the New Year. Take a moment to preview and consider performing one or more of these scripts - your audience will laugh, love, and be inspired by your special performances with a New Year's theme!

Old Acquaintance
New Year
On the eve of the New Year, two sisters reflect on an old acquaintance that was perhaps wrongly forgotten.

New Year
New Year's resolutions get benched in early January as the woman who made them gives up on real change and goes back to life as usual.

The Resolution Bowl
New Year
A man and woman break their New Year's vows quickly as sports casters call the action.

New Year's Resolutions
New Year
Larry encourages Linda to aim a little higher with her New Year's resolution, and rely on God to supply the strength to reach her goals.

Staff Resolutions
New Year
When asked about making changes for the New Year, an outspoken boss tells his staff what he thinks THEY should change.

A Not-So-Super Resolution
New Year
A man's flippant New Year's resolution to become a superhero bites him back when a supervillain declares war on him.

The American Resolution
New Year
A series of people make their list of resolutions for the New Year.

A Toy's Story
New Year
Buzz New Year, the hottest toy on the shelf, speaks to the audience about his disillusionment with humans and their values.

New Year
A waitress counting her tips at the end of the night on New Year's takes a look at her life and wonders where it is headed.

New Year's Resolution Solution Infomercial
New Year
This sketch is an infomercial about a solution that helps people to make New Year's resolutions as well as the right New Year's resolutions (the right decision). A one man show!

A Fresh New Year
New Year
A Christian ponders his (or her) personal relationship this past year with the Lord, hoping this year won't be the same.

Jaymey Hardin

Jaymey Hardin

Jaymey Hardin has been a noteworthy leader in the Contemporary Christian Music market for more than 20 years. Known for his work in marketing, product development, and A&R, he is also credited for his contributions as a writer, videographer, and musician. He is the son of a preacher man and has a heart for the church. He and his wife, Lindsay live in Franklin, TN, and are expecting their very first... dog.

In Partnership With: Discover Worship


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