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Missing Out
In an age of digital distractions, an elderly woman worries that we may be trading the real world for a two-dimensional one.
Not So Different
In a moment when the
world seems its darkest, Michelle
learns a lesson about the peace
only God can give.
In an age of filtered reality ads, a mother questions what advertisers and modern media are actually selling.
Between Two Steves
A teenage girl tells the story of the two Steves who rode the bus with her. One Steve was always friendly. The Christian Steve never said a word to her - except to judge her. When she had a problem, she turned to the Steve that had always been friendly - and made a regretful decision.
A Devil's Wish For Xmas
The devil offers his own sincere, heart-felt wishes for the holiday season.
Into The Black
A small business owner is increasingly concerned about our misplaced focus around the holidays.
Keep Moving
A Christian man on the go has a brief moment to consider the consequences of his nonstop lifestyle.
Pretty Maids All In A Row
A mother reflects on the painful discovery of her daughter’s eating disorder.
Ice Wine
A weary wife in the midst of a divorce reflects on the process of making wine, and the similarity it bears to the Christian life.