Drama Ministry Comedy
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A Devil's Wish For Xmas
The devil offers his own sincere, heart-felt wishes for the holiday season.
Bound to Grow
A plant is being watered by a gardener when the plant speaks and tells the gardener he's root bound. The gardener makes the connection between plant life and spiritual life.
Answering the Call
Tom struggles to find quiet time with the Lord.
About My Neighbors
A young woman tries to reason with God about his expectations for loving her neighbor.
That Was a Close One
A man recording his bio for a video dating service reveals his inner insecurities.
Right in Front of Me
A woman recounts incidents from her past when she shoud have stood up to the people she loved.
A frustrated husband decides on a radical new approach to solving his marriage problems.
Old Socks
A man ponders what sock to wear. Should he wear the old familiar sock with holes in it or move on to the shiny new white one?
Fat and Happy Contentment
A man wrestles with whether or not he should buy something in Home Depot. He wonders if material things can really satisfy.