Drama Ministry Comedy
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Guy Fax
A Christian boy’s efforts to pick up a girl are thwarted by Guy Fax, a service that tells girls who a guy really is.
Hometown Girl
Desperate to get his 40 year-old son married off, a man takes a cue from Abraham and sends his intern out to find a bride for his son.
Beauty or Least
A young man who only judges women on appearance is put on a game show that challenges him to discover inner beauty.
As the Mind Turns
Dean and Susan are engaged and have decided to see a premarital counselor, more because it's the thing to do than because they think they need to. As they wait outside the counselor's office, the audience gets to hear what they're REALLY thinking - but not saying - about their impending marriage.
Wedding Wows
A bride and groom haggle over the conditions of their wedding vows until it's unclear what their future relationship will bring besides confusion.
Today's the Day
Two young single women synchronize their watches for their current mission impossible: finding a husband.
The Personal Trainer
Based on Ephesians 5:28-29 where husbands are told to love and take care of their wives as they do their own bodies, and wives are reminded to submit to and support their husbands, this sketch shows what can happen when we take today's self-help world too seriously.
That Was a Close One
A man recording his bio for a video dating service reveals his inner insecurities.
A frustrated husband decides on a radical new approach to solving his marriage problems.