Drama Ministry
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The Innkeeper's Daughter (with suggested carols)
The timeless Bethlehem story told through the eyes of a fictional innkeeper's daughter and her boyfriend, a shepherd.
Born is a King!
A pair of tour guides lead the audience through the sites of two contrasting royal birthplaces. Discover the differences between a King of God’s choosing and a king chosen by man. Which king would you choose to follow based on the pedigrees presented?
At The Choke and Puke
The Magi shares the story of his journey with a trucker when he stops to “gas up” and eat on the way to Israel.
A Tale Of Two Toys
Two kids get presents at Christmas: one gets a toy, one gets Jesus. In the end, only one had a gift that lasted.
Didn't I Get This Last Year?
A family opens their presents on Christmas morning, but their presents have a twist.
A Devil's Wish For Xmas
The devil offers his own sincere, heart-felt wishes for the holiday season.
A Carol For The Age Of Entitlement
Scrooge’s change of heart and good will are met with ingratitude and a lust for paybacks by the Cratchit family.
Heaven Smells Like Chicken
A TV reporter interviews a man who claims to have seen Heaven.
Grounded At Birth
After finishing their unborn child’s nursery, young parents begin imagining the kind of rebellion and ingratitude their child will have and ground her before she’s even born.