Drama Ministry
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Thank You For The Fleas?
A mother is in a hurry, picking up her child from school. The streetlights are red, and Mom is impatient. She gets an unexpected lesson in patience from her child.
In an age of filtered reality ads, a mother questions what advertisers and modern media are actually selling.
Pretty Maids All In A Row
A mother reflects on the painful discovery of her daughter’s eating disorder.
The Gift
A member of the Organ Procurement Organization meets with the mother of an organ donor who died earlier that day.
A young mother, jaded with her local church, nevertheless misses the body of Christ during the holidays.
Count Your Dishes
A thankful mother counts her blessings while cleaning up after Thanksgiving dinner.
Child of God
A mother cleaning up after her child realizes that God cherishes us in much the same way.
Are You Worthy?
An angelic game show host questions his next contestant: Mary, the future mother of the Savior.
Alone In the Crowd
A mother in a house full of relatives struggles with feelings of loneliness in the aftermath of Christmas dinner.