Drama Ministry

Drama Ministry Comedy

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  • The Innkeeper's Daughter (with suggested carols)
  • Youthful Passions
  • An Unexpected Gift
  • Hold Fast
  • Idols Are Everywhere
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    A Christmas Bus Ride Story

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      Parenting, Women
    One stranger (Mary) explains the point of Christmas to a scared and disullusioned stranger in labor with her first child.

    A Bucket of Worms

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      Salvation, Sin
    While dodging yet another street evangelist, Joe runs into an angel and a hands-on demonstration of his inability to earn salvation by his own efforts. A lighthearted metaphor with a sobering message for unbelievers.

    You Want Change For That Quarter?

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    A Salvation Army volunteer finds dramatically different views on charity among a host of holiday shoppers.

    Who's the Man

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    This video sketch is best "performed" using your own worship leaders and pastors. Any good video camera will do to film, and you will need a projection screen to show the video. It demonstrates that the best part of honor is in honoring, but we often get caught praising ourselves instead of God.

    What's Your Motive?

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    A talk-show host uncovers the motives behind why people accept Christ, finding more people who did it for selfish reasons rather than for love of who Christ is.

    What Have You Done For Me Lately?

    • Script Topics

      Church Life, Priorities
    When Jan and Dean first decided to host a small home group, it seemed like a great idea; but they quickly discover that their motives for ministry may not be coming from the right place.

    Welcoming the King

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      Bible Story, Palm Sunday
    A group of children discover that the family donkey is carrying Jesus into Jerusalem, so they and their friends get palm branches to welcome him.

    We Three Kings

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    The three wise men try to write a song worthy of the newborn Savior only to realize they need to be on their knees rather than caught up in their thoughts.

    Vacation Surprise

    • Script Topics

      Marriage, Communication, Evangelism
    When Darlene receives a phone call from her husband saying he's taking her on a dream getaway, she thinks they'll be going on a romantic second honeymoon to the sandy beaches of Acapulco. They'll be going to Acapulco alright, but it is for a missions trip to the Indians.
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