Drama Ministry Comedy
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Twas the Night Before Christmas
Marvin, who simply wants to read the famous Christmas poem about Santa, is assaulted by family members who have their own ideas of what the night before Christmas should be like. In the end, no one quite knows the reason for the season.
Truth, Justice and the Comics
To prepare the audience for a discussion on the perceived relativity of truth; to raise the questions, Can there be one truth? Isn't everything relative, depending on point of view?
The Viper
In this humorous look at standing up to the power of evil and speaking God's truth, three young people confront a vampire who claims he has the power to control them. The conclusion emphasizes the gifts God has given them to resist temptation (like a thankful heart).
The Report From Below
To remind us of the temptations that are all around us; to celebrate someone's service in the ministry.
The Prodigal Son's Dad
Though the narrator is trying to tell the story of the Prodigal Son, the man playing the father can't quite get a handle on the perfect love shown to the son.
The Party
A guy goes to a party and hears several "voices." But only one is from God.
The Lists Go On and On!
A wife describes her detailed plan for seasonal gift-giving to her husband.
The Investment
Mr. and Mrs. Servante' bring their treasure to a man who claims he can double their money. Mrs. Servante' becomes skeptical, however, when she finds out what Mr. Talent is suggesting they do with their treasure.
The Garage Sale
A shopper finds the greatest invention of all time at a garage sale.