Drama Ministry Monologue
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With Me in Paradise
The penitent thief reflects on his unlikely conversion and reminds us that no one is beyond God’s power to forgive.
Why Me?
Simon gives an eyewitness account of Jesus' final walk to the cross. What troubles Simon is the irony of his own rage at the Romans for how they treated Jesus, juxtaposed with Jesus' own love and forgiveness of those very tormentors.
The Gardener
A Jewish gardener tells us of his eyewitness experience at the death and burial of Jesus.
A Roman tax collector meets Luke the physician, and tells the doctor of his eyewitness to Jesus' crucifixion. But it is the "why" of the crucifixion that confuses the collector.
In His Shoes
One of the Roman guards who cast lots for Jesus' clothing relates his encounter with the teacher from Galilee.