Drama Ministry Reader's Theatre
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A Christmas of Poetry
Poignant yet powerful, sentimental yet scriptural, "A Christmas of Poetry" features 5 original free-verse poems and Scripture readings. This heartfelt piece can be read by one or two people. We've included some song suggestions as well if you'd like to add a musical element!
Hebrews Hall of Faith
A virtual “Hall of Faith” is created as Hebrews chapter 11 is read aloud. As each Old Testament hero is mentioned, participants silently gather on stage. Each one holds a poster displaying their name and faithful deed. The result is a grouping of “Bible Greats” in present day form.
Born is a King!
A pair of tour guides lead the audience through the sites of two contrasting royal birthplaces. Discover the differences between a King of God’s choosing and a king chosen by man. Which king would you choose to follow based on the pedigrees presented?
An Advent Service of Candles & Carols
This wonderful grouping of responsive scripture readings conveys the sacred beauty of the Advent story. Includes carols for congregational singing. Can be produced in weekly Advent candle lightings or as a 27 minute service.
A Prayer for Father's Day
Modeled on the Lord's Prayer, this prayer covers all fathers - those here now and passed, good ones and failed ones - and asks God's blessings on all.
Getting Away With It
A man looks back on a lifetime of lies, and nervously forward to his final appointment with the God of Truth.
Cows Don't Low; They Moo!
A reader's theatre approach to the carol "Away in a Manger," as seen by children.
Christmas Presence
A reader's theatre perspective on the greatest gift of the holiday season: the presence of God.
After the Rooster
A contemporary look at Simon Peter, "The Rock," who denied the Lord but found forgiveness.