Drama Ministry

Drama Ministry

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  • Born is a King!
  • The Innkeeper's Daughter (with suggested carols)
  • A Christmas of Poetry
  • An Advent Service of Candles & Carols
  • Youthful Passions
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    With Me in Paradise

    • Script Topics

      Bible Story, Good Friday
    The penitent thief reflects on his unlikely conversion and reminds us that no one is beyond God’s power to forgive.

    Crucify Him

    • Script Topics

      Bible Story, Good Friday
    A man stumbles into the mob calling for Jesus' death and joins right in until he hears who the crowd wants to execute.

    A Tale of Two Friends

    • Script Topics

      Bible Story, Good Friday, Sin
    Two of Jesus' closest friends talk about the night of Jesus' arrest. By the end of the night, both men will realize that their acts of betrayal are the cause of Jesus' death.

    Why Me?

    • Script Topics

      Bible Story, Good Friday
    Simon gives an eyewitness account of Jesus' final walk to the cross. What troubles Simon is the irony of his own rage at the Romans for how they treated Jesus, juxtaposed with Jesus' own love and forgiveness of those very tormentors.

    What You Gonna Do?

    • Script Topics

      Bible Story, Good Friday
    Two men casually discussing the events of Jesus' death and resurrection suddenly find themselves confronted with a tough question by the guilt-ridden disciple Peter.

    The Sun Rose Anyway

    • Script Topics

      Good Friday, Resurrection
    A reader's theatre-style look at the death and resurrection of Christ, and the persistence of the dawn, even in the darkest of situations.

    The Gardener

    • Script Topics

      Bible Story, Good Friday
    A Jewish gardener tells us of his eyewitness experience at the death and burial of Jesus.


    • Script Topics

      Bible Story, Good Friday, Salvation
    A Roman tax collector meets Luke the physician, and tells the doctor of his eyewitness to Jesus' crucifixion. But it is the "why" of the crucifixion that confuses the collector.

    Jesus' Unshared Vigil

    • Script Topics

      Bible Story, Good Friday, Prayer
    While watching Jesus pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter, James and John almost let their emotions get the best of them.
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