Drama Ministry Light Comedy
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Need A Little Easter
Lance runs into the store late trying to put together an Easter gift for his son. But it's really too little too late...or is it?
Thank You For The Fleas?
A mother is in a hurry, picking up her child from school. The streetlights are red, and Mom is impatient. She gets an unexpected lesson in patience from her child.
Too Bad
A man who messed up admits his fault to Jesus but refuses his help, trying to convince himself (and Jesus) that Jesus just doesn’t help people any more.
Count Your Dishes
A thankful mother counts her blessings while cleaning up after Thanksgiving dinner.
College Bound
It takes more than knowing what we want out of experiences and relationships. It also takes responsiveness to the surprises and opportunities they offer. Just like our walk with Christ.
Client Meetings
Two work colleagues get in trouble with their wives for lying. One is ready to do it again, while the other has chosen to repent.
Cleanup Crew
After Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, the streets are littered with palm branches and cast-off garments. The two guys responsible for cleaning up the mess discuss what all the fuss was about.
Christian Gas
A convenience store worker talks about the rise of the Christian marketplace, how there's a Christian equivalent for everything, and how this has led to Christian hiding from the secular world and keeping Jesus hidden as well.
Cheap At Any Price
Three friends are shopping for an outfit for a special event, and one discovers what's really important.