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Career Day
Frank is a career counselor, discussing career options with a young student and the need for planning ahead. Turns out he's counseling his own 4-year-old daughter.
Bound to Grow
A plant is being watered by a gardener when the plant speaks and tells the gardener he's root bound. The gardener makes the connection between plant life and spiritual life.
Bigger Plans
A modern Mary tells of how her childhood drams for an elaborate wedding all changed when an angel appeared.
Baby Girl
When a father finds that his daughter has breast cancer, he struggles to understand why God would choose to intervene miraculously in one person's life and not in another's.
Answering the Call
Tom struggles to find quiet time with the Lord.
Am I Okay?
At the beginning of another busy day, a woman takes stock of her life, uncertain if she is doing too much, or not enough, with her life.
Alone In the Crowd
A mother in a house full of relatives struggles with feelings of loneliness in the aftermath of Christmas dinner.
To open a discussion about loneliness.
About My Neighbors
A young woman tries to reason with God about his expectations for loving her neighbor.