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A new boy at school is pressured to choose between doing well in school and worshipping Chuck, one of the cool kids in schools.
A high-tech company offers to solve all of your holiness needs with a simple microchip.
Catch 'Em and Clean 'Em
Two people fishing for men learn that there is no catch too unclean for Jesus.
A man who inherited a nice house from his father refuses to admit the house needs some maintenance and care.
Can You Hear Me Knocking?
Three vignettes each show a different needy person reaching out for help.
Breaking Up
Three believers struggle with the apparent inevitability of separation.
Blind Man's Bluff
Bill and Bob are sitting on a park bench when a beautiful young woman walks by. Although Bill is literally wearing blinders, he still finds ways to "scope out" the woman, indulging his baser desires. Bob calls him out on his behavior and his ostentatious way of pretending he's not doing it.
Blind Investments
Joe is trying to balance the family checkbook and chides Shelly for her extravagance (she bought two loaves of bread for the week when the family clearly only needs one). But Shelly is at her wits' end with Joe's "financial savvy." and what it's doing to their checking account.
A narrator and two actors demonstrate how people will submit to some authorities but not others, based on our perceptions of them, including God.