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Cross My Heart
A first-century Judean woman speaks to the audience about what she knows of Jesus...and His cross.
Crucify Him
A man stumbles into the mob calling for Jesus' death and joins right in until he hears who the crowd wants to execute.
Witnesses to Good Friday
Three people who came into contact with Jesus speak to him at the foot of the cross. One is a believer, one a doubter, one an unbeliever.
Why Me?
Simon gives an eyewitness account of Jesus' final walk to the cross. What troubles Simon is the irony of his own rage at the Romans for how they treated Jesus, juxtaposed with Jesus' own love and forgiveness of those very tormentors.
What You Gonna Do?
Two men casually discussing the events of Jesus' death and resurrection suddenly find themselves confronted with a tough question by the guilt-ridden disciple Peter.
Trial By Pilate
Jesus' trial before Pilate is revisited, as readings from the Old and New Testaments answer Pilate's questions.
The Sun Rose Anyway
A reader's theatre-style look at the death and resurrection of Christ, and the persistence of the dawn, even in the darkest of situations.
The Gardener
A Jewish gardener tells us of his eyewitness experience at the death and burial of Jesus.
Jesus' Unshared Vigil
While watching Jesus pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, Peter, James and John almost let their emotions get the best of them.