Drama Ministry

Director's Chair


Six Days Till Sunday: A Week in the Life of a Sketch

Okay, so you'd like more than six days? Fine. These are just hypothetical steps that can fit longer schedules just as well. But don't kid yourself. Many a sketch goes down with even less than six days’ warning... Read Post →

Low Tech Endings: When You Don't Have Lights

When you stood on the stage for your fifth-grade Christmas pageant, chances are you were at one end of the school gym. And there, hanging with long-forgotten aplomb, were the tired curtains that signaled the end of the annual ritual... Read Post →

Using Scripts in Other Settings

When you see a title like that, some of you immediately think, "What other settings?" Other than worship is the answer. We assume that most of you are on board with the idea of mixing drama with worship. In fact, it's no secret that we believe the most influential place for drama is in a church. Read Post →

Minimalist Sets: Making Worship Drama Easier Yet

Complication. Hassles. Time-consuming work behind the scenes. These are some of the things that keep drama from being invited back to worship... Read Post →

Building An Event

So, you've mastered the three- to five-minute sketch. But now the pastor wants you to fill the usual 30-minute preaching slot with drama while he's on vacation. Or the outreach committee has decided that a 45-minute program of drama would be the perfect seeker event. Where do you get scripts to fill that much time? Read Post →

Over- and Under-Memorizing: Finding the Sweet Spot

When I proposed to my wife, I didn't recite my offer like a schoolboy doing the pledge of allegiance. Nor did I stammer around waiting tor the right words to come. In fact, I had covertly rehearsed the scene so many times... Read Post →

The Touchy Stuff: How to Handle Edgy Scenes

Can we talk shop for a moment? If you’re reading this, it means you’re at least somewhat involved in the drama ministry of your local church: you’re a director, an actor, a costume designer, a set builder, a choreographer, or—if you’re anything like most drama ministers—all of the above... Read Post →

Never-Changing Message, Ever-Changing Methods

What’s wrong with putting the Bible on stage? From a Christian perspective, nothing, although from a theatrical perspective sometimes we do more harm than good... Read Post →

The Lite Side of Drama

You take a breath. You deliver the line. You bask in the uproarious laughter. Then, you repeat the sketch in the next service. You take a breath. You deliver the line. You hear crickets chirping in the silence. So, how do you re-create a comic moment? Read Post →

Alone On Stage

The spotlight comes up. A lonely actor stands on the stage. In your mind, what happens next? Does the actor command the spotlight? Or freeze like a deer in the headlights? Whether it is a monologue or one-person show, a single actor on stage can be intimidating for both actor and director, but with a little advice from a pro, you can make a single actor a powerful presence. Read Post →
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